المعهد الإسلاميّ المعوّنة السلافية

Settings Blog

Import blog - Export blog - Delete blog
You can import posts and comments from a previously exported Blogger blog, export this blog, or permanently delete it.

500 Characters Max.

A Listed blog may be linked to from Blogger.com, such as the Blogger home page and Next Blog. If you select "No" your blog will not appear in these places, but it will still be available on the Internet. This blog will still be displayed on your profile unless you hide it. Edit displayed blogs.

Note: Due to caching, changes to this setting may be slightly delayed.

If you select "Yes" we will include your blog in Google Blog Search and pingWeblogs.com. If you select "No", everyone can still view your blog but search engines will be instructed not to crawl it. If there are links to your blog from other websites, search engines may still suggest your blog in response to queries.

When you're logged in to Blogger, edit your posts from your blog with one click.

Email Post links let your visitors easily email posts from your blog to their friends.

Add Google Analytics to your blog to see how visitors interact with your site. Add your Google Analytics Web Property ID to start tracking your blog. This setting is specific to Dynamic Views and Layout templates. If your blog is using a Classic template you need to manually add it to your template.

If Yes is selected, viewers of your blog will see a warning message and will be asked to confirm that they want to proceed to your blog.

Global Settings (Applies to all of your blogs.)

Select post editor 
 Learn more
Adds a button to the toolbar for converting words from English to the selected language. (You may later change the language in the Post Editor).
Your transliteration corrections will be saved to help Google improve this tool. See Privacy Policy for details.


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