Content in a blog depends on the fields that exist in these blogs, the more content, the more his name explanation, as well as depending on the number of columns displayed or templates that we attach it, just the beginning of the content that must be understood is as follows:
المحتوى في بلوق يعتمد على الحقول التي توجد في هذه بلوق، والمزيد من المحتوى ، وأكثر من تفسير اسمه، وكذلك اعتمادا على عدد من الأعمدة التي يتم عرضها أو القوالب التي نعلقها عليه ، مجرد بداية المحتوى الذي يجب أن يفهم على النحو التالي :
Konten dalam suatu blog tergantung dari isian yang ada dalam blog tersebut, makin banyak kontennya, maka makin manya penjelasannya, begitupun tergantung kepada banyaknya kolom yang ditampilkan atau templet yang kita pasangkan, sekedar permulaan konten yang harus dipahami adalah sebagai berikut:
background, color, font, margin, text, align, center, text,decoration, weight, bold, hover, underline,
Navbar-iframe , display:none
Header-wrapper, height, margin, width.
header color: text-align, left, width, float, left, height, overflow, hidden.
header h1, margin, padding, line, height, text-transform, Normal, font, size, color, font, family: Arial,Verdana, font, weight, bold.
Header a, text, decoration, none, color.
header .description, margin, line-height, color, font-size, font-weight,bold, text, transform, padding,
header img, margin-left, auto, margin, right, auto,
Top Banner
.ad, top-widget, float, right, margin-top, margin-right, width, height, background, border, solid, padding.
Menu Links
-Topnav, height, margin, auto, width, list-style, color, font-family ,Tahoma,Helvetica,serif, line-height, font-size, font-weight, text-transform, uppercase
-Topnav ul, padding, margin, list-style, line-height
-Topnav a, display: block, line-height, padding, line-height, padding, color.
-Topnav li, hover, Topnav li.sfhover, cursor, pointer,
-Topnav li, hover span, Topnav li.sfhover1 span, color.
-Topnav li, float: left;
Style drop down list
-Topnav li ul, position, absolute, width, width, left, z-index, border, solid, border-width, background, margin-top.
-Topnav li li
-Topnav li:hover ul, Topnav li.sfhover1 ul, left,
-Topnav li ul li a, color, font-family ,Tahoma,Helvetica,serif, line-height, font-size, font-weight, text-transform, uppercase, width, padding.
-Topnav li ul li a
-Topnav li ul li a, hover, background,
-Topnav li ul ul, margin, border-width
-Topnav li, hover ul ul, Topnav li.sfhover1 ul ul, left,
-Topnav li, hover ul, Topnav li li, hover ul, Topnav li.sfhover1 ul, Topnav li li.sfhover1 ul, left: auto;
-Topnav li:hover, Topnav li.hover, position: static.
Outer-Wrapper, width, margin, auto, text-align, left.
-cwrapper, width, margin-top.
-main-wrapper, width, float, word-wrap, break-word, overflow, hidden.
Posts, margin, display, none,
.post, width, height, float: left, padding-bottom, padding-left, padding-right, padding-top, background, margin-right, margin-left, background.
.post h3, background, margin, font-size, text-align, padding, padding-left, overflow, hidden, height, width, font-family, Tahoma,Georgia.
.post h3 a, color, text-decoration,
.post img, padding, border, solid, width, background, margin-left, margin-top.
.post-body, font-size, overflow, hidden, height,
.post-body blockquote, line-height.
.post-footer, line-height, font-size, border-top, solid,
Background, margin-right, border, solid, margin-bottom, padding, width,
-comments a, text-decoration.
-comments h4, color, font-weight, bold, letter-spacing, line-height, margin, text-transform, background, padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left
-comments-block, line-height, margin, background.
-comments-block .comment-author, font-weight, margin, padding-bottom, padding-left,padding-top.
-comments-block .comment-body, margin-top, padding-left, padding-top, border-bottom, solid.
-comments-block .comment-footer, font-size, line-height, margin, padding-bottom, padding-left, text-transform.
-comments-block .comment-body p, margin, padding-bottom.
-comment-timestamp, float, right, font-weight, bold, margin-top.
-.avatar-image-container, background, no-repeat scroll center center,
.deleted-comment, font-style, italic, color, gray.
-blog-pager-newer-link, float, left, background, border, solid, padding.
-blog-pager-older-link, float, background, border, padding.
-blog-pager-Home-link, float, background, border, padding
-blog-pager, text-align, center, height, padding, background, none.
.feed-links, clear, both, line-height.
Sidebar Content
-sidebar-wrapper, margin, padding, width, display, inline, overflow, hidden, float, border-bottom.
-sidebar-wrapper a, font-weight, normal,
-sidebar, margin, position, relative, padding
-.sidebar h2, height, color, font-family, Tahoma,Helvetica,serif, line-height, font-size, font-weight, bold, text-transform, uppercase, padding-bottom, background, border-bottom, padding-left, margin-bottom.
-.sidebar .widget, position, relative, width, padding-bottom
-.sidebar .widget-content, margin.
-.sidebar ul, list-style-type, none, margin, padding.
-.sidebar li, color, text-decoration, none, display, block, margin-bottom, list-style-type, line-height, border-bottom, background, transparent, no-repeat scroll left center, padding.
-.sidebar li a:link, .sidebar li a:visited, color, text-decoration, none.
-.sidebar li a, hover, color,
-.sidebar img, border, padding.
-.main .Blog, border-bottom-width.
-footer, clear, both, padding, height, font-size.
-footer .wrapper, width, margin, auto auto, text-align, left, color, border-top, padding
-footer p, color.
-footer a, color.
-footer p.l, float, left,
-footer p.r, float, right,
Post page
-.single, background, border, margin-bottom, margin-right, padding, width
-.single .post-body-2, font-size, line-height, border-top, margin-top, padding-top.
-.single img, margin, max-width, border, padding
-.single h3, font-size, font-family, border-bottom, margin-top, margin-bottom, padding-bottom
-.single h3 a, color, text-decoration, none
-.single ul, single ol, list-style-position, inside, margin-bottom.
-.single li, line-height, padding.
-.single blockquote, padding, margin-bottom, background-color, border-width, border-style, solid, border-color.
-.navigation, background, float, left, width.
-.navigation a, text-decoration, none,
-.navigation a, hover, text-decoration, underline,
body#layout .box {display:none;}
body#layout .search {display:none;}
-.podn, height
-.category1, padding-left, background, no-repeat scroll left, margin-left, font-size.
-.category1 a, color.
-.subs, padding-left, background, no-repeat scroll left, margin-left, font-size.
-.subs a, color.
-.subs1, padding-left, background, no-repeat scroll left, margin-left, font-size.
-.subs1 a, color.
Page Navigation
-.showpageNum a, padding, margin, text-decoration, none, color, font-weight, border, solid, border-radius, background.
-.showpageOf, margin, color.
-.showpageNum a, hover, border, border-radius, color, font-weight, bold, text-decoration, none, background.
-.showpagePoint, color, padding, margin, font-weigh, border, background, border-radius, text-decoration, none.
-subscribes, float, right, margin-right, margin-top, position, relative.
-subscribes a, padding-left.
search input, searchform input, border, none, background, none, margin-left, margin-top.
search label, searchform label, margin, padding, font, bold, Verdana,text-transform,uppercase, color, display:block.
-s, width, padding, height.
-searchsubmit, height, border, none, cursor, pointer, width, margin-top.
-topsearch{background:url(http://.....) no-repeat;padding:5px;overflow:hidden;margin:6px 0px;margin-bottom:20px; }
-topsearch input{}
#topsearch label{display:none}
#topsearch #s{width:185px;padding:4px}
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